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с английского на арабский

He wrote an account of the accident

  • 1 كتب

    كَتَبَ \ inscribe: to write, esp. by cutting letters in stone or metal or wood. note: (usu. with down) to write a note about: The policeman noted (down) the number of their car. record: to write (sth.) so that it shall be remembered: History does not record the cause of his death. write (wrote): to draw signs that make words: She writes neatly. I wrote his name down (I made a note of it). Write this out three times (Make three full copies of it). \ See Also سجل (سَجَّلَ)، نقش (نَقَشَ)‏ \ كَتَبَ (مقالة أو كتابًا، إلخ)‏ \ write: to put into words; to create for printing (a book, article, etc. esp. for a living): He wrote an account of the accident. She writes books on science. He has stopped teaching to that he can write (as a job). \ See Also ألف (أَلَّفَ)‏ \ كَتَبَ \ pencil: to write or draw with a pencil: She pencilled a quick note. \ See Also رَسَمَ بقلم الرَّصاص \ كَتَبَ التاريخ على \ date: to put a date on sth.: This letter is not dated. \ كَتَبَ ثانِيَةً \ rewrite: to write again: You must rewrite this page more neatly. The book was rewritten in simpler English.

    Arabic-English dictionary > كتب

  • 2 سجل (زواجا)

    سَجَّلَ (زواجًا)‏ \ enter: to write (a name, an amount of money, etc.) on a list: Have you entered (your name) for the next race? Did you enter that payment in your accounts?. note: (usu. with down) to write a note about: The policeman noted (down) the number of their car. put: to express; say or write; turn (words): You could put that idea more clearly. Put that (down) in your notebook. record: to write (sth.) so that it shall be remembered: History does not record the cause of his death, to set down (sounds, on a record or tape) so that they can be heard again (on a record player, etc.) His speech on the radio was recorded the day before, at his home. register: to record (one’s marriage, a birth, one’s car, etc.) in an official record; to have a valuable letter specially recorded at the post office so that it will arrive safely: a registered packet; (of an instrument that measures speed, heat, etc.) to show (a certain figure). write: to put into words: He wrote an account of the accident. \ See Also دون (دَوَّنَ)، عَيَّرَ عن، كتب (كَتَبَ)، دَلَّ على، ألف (أَلَّفَ)، سجل (سَجَّلَ)‏ \ سَجَّلَ (في قائمة أو سجل، إلخ)‏ \ enrol: to put sb.’s name on a list, as a member (of a school, club, etc.). \ See Also أَدْرَجَ اسْمًا \ سَجَّلَ الأَهْداف \ keep the score: to watch a game or competition and record the points. \ See Also النِّقاط \ سَجَّلَ على شَريطٍ مِغْنطيسي \ tape: to record on tape. \ سَجَّلَ هَدَفًا \ shoot: (in football, etc.) to aim at the goal; to send the ball into (a goal): First I shot and missed; the next time I shot a goal.

    Arabic-English dictionary > سجل (زواجا)

  • 3 enter

    سَجَّلَ (زواجًا)‏ \ enter: to write (a name, an amount of money, etc.) on a list: Have you entered (your name) for the next race? Did you enter that payment in your accounts?. note: (usu. with down) to write a note about: The policeman noted (down) the number of their car. put: to express; say or write; turn (words): You could put that idea more clearly. Put that (down) in your notebook. record: to write (sth.) so that it shall be remembered: History does not record the cause of his death, to set down (sounds, on a record or tape) so that they can be heard again (on a record player, etc.) His speech on the radio was recorded the day before, at his home. register: to record (one’s marriage, a birth, one’s car, etc.) in an official record; to have a valuable letter specially recorded at the post office so that it will arrive safely: a registered packet; (of an instrument that measures speed, heat, etc.) to show (a certain figure). write: to put into words: He wrote an account of the accident. \ See Also دون (دَوَّنَ)، عَيَّرَ عن، كتب (كَتَبَ)، دَلَّ على، ألف (أَلَّفَ)، سجل (سَجَّلَ)‏

    Arabic-English glossary > enter

  • 4 note

    سَجَّلَ (زواجًا)‏ \ enter: to write (a name, an amount of money, etc.) on a list: Have you entered (your name) for the next race? Did you enter that payment in your accounts?. note: (usu. with down) to write a note about: The policeman noted (down) the number of their car. put: to express; say or write; turn (words): You could put that idea more clearly. Put that (down) in your notebook. record: to write (sth.) so that it shall be remembered: History does not record the cause of his death, to set down (sounds, on a record or tape) so that they can be heard again (on a record player, etc.) His speech on the radio was recorded the day before, at his home. register: to record (one’s marriage, a birth, one’s car, etc.) in an official record; to have a valuable letter specially recorded at the post office so that it will arrive safely: a registered packet; (of an instrument that measures speed, heat, etc.) to show (a certain figure). write: to put into words: He wrote an account of the accident. \ See Also دون (دَوَّنَ)، عَيَّرَ عن، كتب (كَتَبَ)، دَلَّ على، ألف (أَلَّفَ)، سجل (سَجَّلَ)‏

    Arabic-English glossary > note

  • 5 put

    سَجَّلَ (زواجًا)‏ \ enter: to write (a name, an amount of money, etc.) on a list: Have you entered (your name) for the next race? Did you enter that payment in your accounts?. note: (usu. with down) to write a note about: The policeman noted (down) the number of their car. put: to express; say or write; turn (words): You could put that idea more clearly. Put that (down) in your notebook. record: to write (sth.) so that it shall be remembered: History does not record the cause of his death, to set down (sounds, on a record or tape) so that they can be heard again (on a record player, etc.) His speech on the radio was recorded the day before, at his home. register: to record (one’s marriage, a birth, one’s car, etc.) in an official record; to have a valuable letter specially recorded at the post office so that it will arrive safely: a registered packet; (of an instrument that measures speed, heat, etc.) to show (a certain figure). write: to put into words: He wrote an account of the accident. \ See Also دون (دَوَّنَ)، عَيَّرَ عن، كتب (كَتَبَ)، دَلَّ على، ألف (أَلَّفَ)، سجل (سَجَّلَ)‏

    Arabic-English glossary > put

  • 6 record

    سَجَّلَ (زواجًا)‏ \ enter: to write (a name, an amount of money, etc.) on a list: Have you entered (your name) for the next race? Did you enter that payment in your accounts?. note: (usu. with down) to write a note about: The policeman noted (down) the number of their car. put: to express; say or write; turn (words): You could put that idea more clearly. Put that (down) in your notebook. record: to write (sth.) so that it shall be remembered: History does not record the cause of his death, to set down (sounds, on a record or tape) so that they can be heard again (on a record player, etc.) His speech on the radio was recorded the day before, at his home. register: to record (one’s marriage, a birth, one’s car, etc.) in an official record; to have a valuable letter specially recorded at the post office so that it will arrive safely: a registered packet; (of an instrument that measures speed, heat, etc.) to show (a certain figure). write: to put into words: He wrote an account of the accident. \ See Also دون (دَوَّنَ)، عَيَّرَ عن، كتب (كَتَبَ)، دَلَّ على، ألف (أَلَّفَ)، سجل (سَجَّلَ)‏

    Arabic-English glossary > record

  • 7 register

    سَجَّلَ (زواجًا)‏ \ enter: to write (a name, an amount of money, etc.) on a list: Have you entered (your name) for the next race? Did you enter that payment in your accounts?. note: (usu. with down) to write a note about: The policeman noted (down) the number of their car. put: to express; say or write; turn (words): You could put that idea more clearly. Put that (down) in your notebook. record: to write (sth.) so that it shall be remembered: History does not record the cause of his death, to set down (sounds, on a record or tape) so that they can be heard again (on a record player, etc.) His speech on the radio was recorded the day before, at his home. register: to record (one’s marriage, a birth, one’s car, etc.) in an official record; to have a valuable letter specially recorded at the post office so that it will arrive safely: a registered packet; (of an instrument that measures speed, heat, etc.) to show (a certain figure). write: to put into words: He wrote an account of the accident. \ See Also دون (دَوَّنَ)، عَيَّرَ عن، كتب (كَتَبَ)، دَلَّ على، ألف (أَلَّفَ)، سجل (سَجَّلَ)‏

    Arabic-English glossary > register

  • 8 write

    سَجَّلَ (زواجًا)‏ \ enter: to write (a name, an amount of money, etc.) on a list: Have you entered (your name) for the next race? Did you enter that payment in your accounts?. note: (usu. with down) to write a note about: The policeman noted (down) the number of their car. put: to express; say or write; turn (words): You could put that idea more clearly. Put that (down) in your notebook. record: to write (sth.) so that it shall be remembered: History does not record the cause of his death, to set down (sounds, on a record or tape) so that they can be heard again (on a record player, etc.) His speech on the radio was recorded the day before, at his home. register: to record (one’s marriage, a birth, one’s car, etc.) in an official record; to have a valuable letter specially recorded at the post office so that it will arrive safely: a registered packet; (of an instrument that measures speed, heat, etc.) to show (a certain figure). write: to put into words: He wrote an account of the accident. \ See Also دون (دَوَّنَ)، عَيَّرَ عن، كتب (كَتَبَ)، دَلَّ على، ألف (أَلَّفَ)، سجل (سَجَّلَ)‏

    Arabic-English glossary > write

  • 9 دون

    دَوَّنَ \ note: (usu. with down) to write a note about: The policeman noted (down) the number of their car. put: to express; say or write: You could put that idea more clearly. Put that (down) in your notebook. Put that sentence into French. record: to write (sth.) so that it shall be remembered: History does not record the cause of his death. write: to put into words; to create for printing (a book, articles, etc., esp. for a living): He wrote an account of the accident. She writes books on science. He has stopped teaching to that he can write (as a job). \ See Also كتب (كَتَبَ)، ألف (أَلَّفَ)‏ \ دَوَّنَ \ jot: (usu. with down) to write quickly and roughly: I jotted their names down in my notebook. \ See Also كَتَبَ بِسُرْعَةٍ \ دَوَّنَ مُذَكِّرات عن \ take note of: to pay attention to; make a written note of: The clerk took note of my complaints.

    Arabic-English dictionary > دون

  • 10 note

    دَوَّنَ \ note: (usu. with down) to write a note about: The policeman noted (down) the number of their car. put: to express; say or write: You could put that idea more clearly. Put that (down) in your notebook. Put that sentence into French. record: to write (sth.) so that it shall be remembered: History does not record the cause of his death. write: to put into words; to create for printing (a book, articles, etc., esp. for a living): He wrote an account of the accident. She writes books on science. He has stopped teaching to that he can write (as a job). \ See Also كتب (كَتَبَ)، ألف (أَلَّفَ)‏

    Arabic-English glossary > note

  • 11 put

    دَوَّنَ \ note: (usu. with down) to write a note about: The policeman noted (down) the number of their car. put: to express; say or write: You could put that idea more clearly. Put that (down) in your notebook. Put that sentence into French. record: to write (sth.) so that it shall be remembered: History does not record the cause of his death. write: to put into words; to create for printing (a book, articles, etc., esp. for a living): He wrote an account of the accident. She writes books on science. He has stopped teaching to that he can write (as a job). \ See Also كتب (كَتَبَ)، ألف (أَلَّفَ)‏

    Arabic-English glossary > put

  • 12 record

    دَوَّنَ \ note: (usu. with down) to write a note about: The policeman noted (down) the number of their car. put: to express; say or write: You could put that idea more clearly. Put that (down) in your notebook. Put that sentence into French. record: to write (sth.) so that it shall be remembered: History does not record the cause of his death. write: to put into words; to create for printing (a book, articles, etc., esp. for a living): He wrote an account of the accident. She writes books on science. He has stopped teaching to that he can write (as a job). \ See Also كتب (كَتَبَ)، ألف (أَلَّفَ)‏

    Arabic-English glossary > record

  • 13 write

    دَوَّنَ \ note: (usu. with down) to write a note about: The policeman noted (down) the number of their car. put: to express; say or write: You could put that idea more clearly. Put that (down) in your notebook. Put that sentence into French. record: to write (sth.) so that it shall be remembered: History does not record the cause of his death. write: to put into words; to create for printing (a book, articles, etc., esp. for a living): He wrote an account of the accident. She writes books on science. He has stopped teaching to that he can write (as a job). \ See Also كتب (كَتَبَ)، ألف (أَلَّفَ)‏

    Arabic-English glossary > write

  • 14 write

    كَتَبَ (مقالة أو كتابًا، إلخ)‏ \ write: to put into words; to create for printing (a book, article, etc. esp. for a living): He wrote an account of the accident. She writes books on science. He has stopped teaching to that he can write (as a job). \ See Also ألف (أَلَّفَ)‏

    Arabic-English glossary > write

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